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Lainie Love Dalby


Interview Topic:


The Art of Sparkling SHAMELESSLY:  Igniting a Sacred (R)evolution!


Lainie's Presentation is now available only on Lifetime Access.

Lainie's Free Gift to you...

As part of the Great Womb Awakening Conference Lainie is offering

The SOUL SPARKLE Starter Kit


Get a taste of The Sacred Art of Sparkling Shamelessly (otherwise known as SASS) through this experiential kit filled with sacred practices, spiritual teachings on ecstatic embodied leadership and sacred art to inspire you for the (r)evolutionary journey to birth the New Earth.

 Click Here to access Lainie's free gift!


Visit her at her website:

Lainie Dalby.jpg

Lainie Love Dalby is a Galactic Rainbow Shaman on a mission to free Human Spirits that have been told they’re either “too much” or “not enough” to Sparkle SHAMELESSLY® and step into their authentic power& sovereignty.  She’s a big-hearted ecstatic embodied leadership mentor, bestselling author, ceremonialist, holy healer, fierce trailblazer in womxn’s spirituality and leadership, and an overall catalyst of personal and planetary transformation. She’s also deeply passionate about ending our culture’s rampant disregard for LIFE, especially the overt & covert violence that’s perpetrated against the Sacred Feminine and our own bodies, by restoring sacred reconnection around the globe. To that end, she gathers womxn and the LGBTQIA community in both live & virtual sacred circles to facilitate deep healing, sacred play, soul growth, and alchemical transformation, including her SISTERHIVE® learning & practice community. Her ultimate goal is to help us feel more comfortable in our own skin and remember who we truly are and why we’re here by unleashing our bold creativity, innate wildness, primal power & fierce feminine courage! Overall, we’re stewarding a Sacred (R)evolution® of love & reverence for self, other, our planet and the great Web of All Life so we can cocreate and dream a new world into being TOGETHER. Embark on the journey with her at and on Instagram at @LainieLoveDalby

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