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Yeshe Chodron


Interview Topic:


Unification for the World


Yeshe's Presentation is now available only on Lifetime Access​.

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Beginning with a deep dive into the hands-on healing practice of Polarity Therapy in 1997, Yeshe has been living and teaching others to live in a way that embraces both the practical and the metaphysical. Yeshe has developed an open-hearted approach to being of service that people seeking support in spiritual mentorship, coaching, or  healing find to be clear, gentle, creative, client-focused, sincere, uplifting, and life-altering. Her patience and acceptance opens the space for a fruitful conversation, to people of all spiritual backgrounds. 


Interestingly, Yeshe has experienced direct communications with Mary Magdalen since she was six years old; and, has blossomed this personal connection through soul communion, academic study, and deepening self-acceptance. 


In 2014, Yeshe became the founder of a unique personal integration protocol called Magdalen’s Touch Healing and founder of The Magdalen Mystery School that she teaches annually to awakening women who wish to evolve intentionally with the guidance of timeless Divine Feminine brilliance. She is also an Ordained Shamanic Minister of Venus Rising Church, a Mesa carrier of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of Shamanism, and a High Priestess of Mary Magdalen. 


She was initiated into the new unique personal integration protocol that would be called “Magdalen’s Touch Healing”, by the essence of Mary Magdalen Herself. Since then, delving into personal integration for herself and others, and into self-guided study with this truly magnificent practice has transformed her into a devoted High Priestess for the powerful, loving forces of this body of work. Yeshe is so delighted to share this Divine experience with clients, both in person and remotely.


Having shifted from living a life of numbness, pain, and overwhelm into a life of joy, grace, and enlivenment, Yeshe, her students, and her clients are all living proof that we can break the chains that bind us to our personal inner-trappings and thereby change the world around us. And, that by empowering ourselves with love, commitment, and courage, we can stand in our power safely and consistently, to live the fantastic life of our choosing. Yeshe’s loving support and clear guidance are a potent addition to her ability to hold space for your transformation. The way she shares her gifts is astounding.


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