Rachel Pfotenhauer
Interview Topic:
Building intimate relationships with Earth and your Soul
Rachel's Presentation is now available only on Lifetime Access.
Rachel's Free Gift to you...
Rachel has a guided meditation for you to help you connect deeply with Earth
Click here for Rachel's free gift!
For more info visit her at her website at: https://www.vast-earth.com/#/
Rachel holds an M.A. in Counseling and is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Psychic, Theta and Body Intuitive Practitioner and Earth Channel. She channels Earth's energy to heal people of hard-to-heal conditions such as anxiety, PTSD, Lyme, EBV, chronic pain, etc. People heal from these conditions at an unprecedented rate. Rachel does individual and group healing in person in her office in Santa Cruz, California, and also via phone and zoom. She also offers workshops, leads retreats, does public speaking and wellness programs. Rachel is also on a mission to share Earth's clarion call of her need for conscious connection.
Visit her at her website: